X Symposium of Experimental Sciences of the UAL

The X Symposium of Experimental Sciences, held every year on the date of the patron saint of this faculty of the UAL, St. Albert, November 15, are exposed in poster format and subsequent flash communication projects that our scientists and young researchers are developing at the moment.

The aim is to create an environment in which all this research can flow, generate debate and share each other's perspectives on it.

In our case, the CAESCG, in the modality of Applied and Environmental Sciences presented no more and no less than 6 posters of which two of them were awarded, that of Sebastián Fernández Sánchez, for best poster, and that of Monserrat Escudero Clares, for best flash presentation of the same.

Winning poster by Sebastián Fernández.
Winning poster by Monserrat Escudero.

For more information about the event, we leave you the following link.

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