Noticias y eventos

El blog oficial de CAESCG

How chemistry helps us understand climate change

Given by Dr. Joan O. Grimalt, professor of environmental chemistry at CSIC (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and Director of IDÆA (Instituto de Diagnóstico Ambiental y Estudios del Agua), within the framework of the Scientific Fridays of the University of Almería.

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Paleoclimate: past-climate as the key to understand the future. Ex. from the Mediterranean Sea"

Conference by Vincenzo Pascucci, Università degli Studi di Sassari (Italy) within the framework of the Scientific Fridays of the University of Almeria.

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Conference Blogs, education and scientific activity: teaching by learning

Dr. Juan José Ibáñez Martí, Senior Scientist at the Desertification Research Center (CSIC - Universitat de València) presents this conference in his blog "Un Universo invisible bajo nuestros pies" (An invisible Universe under our feet) ((, with the following words taken from his blog: "Teaching by Learning: Blogging Teaching and Scientific Activity". He will try, […]

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Ecological Economics: an economy with a biophysical foundation

Conference given by Dr. Francesc La-Roca Cervigon, professor of the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Valencia and researcher of the Structure of Interdisciplinary Research on Sustainability Studies, in the framework of the Scientific Fridays of the UAL.

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